Monday, August 31, 2009
We are Golden
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Perfect Symmetry
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Coachella 2009
A lot went down this past weekend, but I'll do my best to summarize and paint a vivid enough picture for ya'll :]
Let's start with generalizing. For those of you who don't know, Coachella is a music and arts festival. It's basically a big festival of various bands and art installations. It's held in Coachella, CA, which is basically in the desert. Coachella has been graced by bands like Radiohead, Coldplay, Keane, and other big artists like Madonna.
The whole thing takes place on a HUGE grassy lot and generally it's in a U-shape. You enter on one side of the "U," right into a sort of pre-main area. This is where the vendors, merchandise stand, and water tent was (of course there were other water tents & restrooms on the ground, but this was by the entrance). You pass by the water tent to walk through some gates into the "main" area. A little ways in front of you is the main stage, to your left is the first beer tent. If you continue to walk to the right, you pass by 4 other stages/tents.
The drive was less than two hours, with wonderful weather when we arrived. The resort was BEAUTIFUL and I'm glad we made the decision to stay in a hotel. Actually, it was more like me saying I AM NOT CAMPING. hahaha
We woke up fairly early, wanting to get there early to see what was going on. Most of the parking lots required quite a bit of walking to the venue, so we opted for one of those biker people to give us a ride. It was too hot to walk that far! After about a 5 minute ride, we got to the grounds.
There weren't TOO many people, since it was only about 12:30PM. They scanned our ticket, patted us down, then we went in!
Ok, enough with the play by play.
We basically walked around to figure out the grounds, admired the installations, looked at the vendors, then made plans.
We Are Scientists was playing at 3PM at the main stage, so we agreed we'd see them. I had to make the decision regarding my own schedule - should I camp out at the stage ALL day? Paul was on at 10PM, and staying at the stage would almost guarantee me a good spot.
You guys know me. I stayed. For 7 and a half hours.
I ended up seeing some awesome bands, actually. I'm trying to remember the positives, here. I'll try to forget the scorching hot sun, not eating since 1PM, and the insane pushing :P
I got to see We Are Scientists, The Airborne Toxic Event, The Black Keys, Franz Ferdinand, Morrissey, then Paul McCartney. It was worth every minute.
Seeing Paul McCartney was definitely a dream come true for me. I fell in love with The Beatles when I was 10... they were pretty much the only band I listened to for a LONG time. They were the first band I ever loved, and I still love them to death. Being able to see one of them in person, performing some of my favorite Beatles songs was so surreal. I know I don't have to tell you how amazing Sir Paul was live... it's kind of a given. One thing I will tell you is how surprised I was at how much he interacted with the audience and acknowledged so many members. He made eye contact with everyone in the front, and read signs. It just made the experience that much better XD
He played a full 2 and a half hour set and I went home extremely happy. It was unbelievable.
Frankly, I didn't care about anything Saturday. I had accomplished my goal and that was good enough for me!
I wanted to take Saturday easy... and that's what I did. Looking back, I think that was the most fun day of the weekend. We knew to get to Coachella later, since the bands didn't start until 2, so we had some extra time to sleep.
I caught the last couple songs of THENEWNO2, Dhani Harrison's band, and honestly I was impressed. I wanted to see them purely because of Dhani, but I ended up really liking their music. After that, we just really took it easy. The headliners weren't going to start until 8:55PM so we had time to just walk around, listen to new bands, eat, people watch.
We walked by the autograph tent (which I didn't even get to see on Friday) and saw that THENEWNO2 was doing a signing! OF COURSE I HAD TO GO.
I was 4th in line because I was there 30 minutes early, and the band was SUPER nice. I got to talk to all of them and tell them how impressed I was with their set. Then I got to Dhani. They were being strict about pictures, so I decided to get a hug instead. I asked Dhani for a hug and he said, "Sure! That's the spirit! That's the way we should go. Just hug!" I honestly wanted to cry XD
I saw Trv$dj-am on the lineup and told Arika. She loves them and I really wanted to hear them, so we went to the Sahara tent to listen and dance. IT WAS MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF FUN.
After that, Alex went to get a spot for MIA and Arika and I decided to chill. After MIA, I went into the pit for the Killers, but decided at the last minute that it wasn't worth the hassle. They were really good live and I enjoyed dancing around :]
The last day :[
I was determined to make the last day count the most, but it was really chill and I didn't mind. There wasn't really anyone we wanted to see, so we took the day easy. I just wanted to soak up the atmosphere, admire the art, enjoy the people. It was really a day of sitting around and staring up at the beautiful lights, watching the installations change color, and laughing.
I did get to see two bands that I really like, so it wasn't like we didn't do ANYTHING, but I was still a bit disappointed with myself.
But by the end of the night, just sitting under a palm tree, listening to the Cure (who I don't listen to) and watching the lights in the sky was so fulfilling.
Overall, I think Coachella was a great experience. I got to live out one of my dreams, see great bands, discover new music, finally tan my legs, and see beautiful sights. I could sit here and try to further describe them, but it was just too beautiful.
Just wait until I post the videos :]
Song of the day: Back to You - THENEWNO2
Friday, April 10, 2009
Coachella, Hannah Montana, Mocha
Anyway, I figure I should update.
1. I'm seeing the Hannah Montana movie in a few hours. Epic.
2. Coachella is in a week! Words can't express the excitement I feel right at this moment. Erica and I are also getting some henna done next Wednesday just for the occasion :]
3. I was really worried about my classes this quarter, but I'm actually enjoying them. My 11A class is an exploration of avant-garde films, which is absolutely fascinating, my anthro class is entertaining, and my performance art-based class is actually fun. My teacher is legit and I can tell that she really is open minded when it comes to student work.
4. This is relatively insignificant, but I finally got those shiny black tights... and I'm wearing them to Coachella :D
5. Jeremy Ten added me on Facebook. He's such a sweetheart and an AMAZING skater. I can't wait to see him Vancouver! Oh, and I got mail from Emily Samuelson and Evan Bates. Exciting much? Absolutely.
6. I love my hair. Love, love, love it.
7. I have a potential roommate for next year, which is honestly comforting. I'm a lot less stressed about that.
I think I can say that I'm happy again. Things are under control, and frankly, I've made the committment to myself to not give the silly stuff any attention. There are people that aren't worth it and they better be prepared to not get any time from me. They don't deserve it.
So that's it for now...
Song of the day: She's my Winona - Fall Out Boy
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Believe in me.
I don't need to rely on people to be happy.
In fact, they're the reason I'm usually miserable in the first place.
God is my comfort.
If He brings me to it, He'll bring me through it.
Art is my self expression.
I am an artist. I don't need any institution or authority to tell me that.
I am unique, even if I feel like I'm not.
When I get overwhelmed, I have to remember all of the things I've already been through.
I have done many things people would kill to do.
I need to give myself more credit.
I don't want to be afraid
I want to wake up feeling beautiful today,
And know that I'm okay
'Cause everyone's perfect in unusual ways.
You see,
I just want to believe in me.
Song of the day: Believe in Me - Demi Lovato
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I'm obsessed.
I actually WANT to get on the ice.
Anyway, here's the first video I've made from last week's videos/pictures :]
Song of the day: One Day Like This - Elbow
Monday, March 30, 2009
Spring Break; the recap
Spring break left me absolutely breathless. It was one of the most fun, intense, exciting weeks of my life. I already blogged about Monday & Tuesday, so I'll recap the rest of the week :]
Sorry it's kind of long... keep in mind that I'm going over Wednesday through Sunday!
Wednesday - Men's short
I was completely excited because it was my first time seeing Jeremy compete in person. Unfortunately, he didn't skate clean, but I was still excited to see him skate. Jumps or not, he has such beautiful style. Of course Evan brought the house down and skated a perfect short. Brian Joubert didn't skate clean, and I thought Patrick Chan was cheated! He should have won short! And the unexpected star of the night... Samuel Contesti! His program was amazingly entertaining and no one expected him to do so well.
I watched men's short with my mom, then Sarah came to meet us at Staples for the pairs long that evening. Right before she called me to tell me she was parking, my mom and I ran into Brian Joubert. He looked tired, but he was SO nice. I ran into a friend after that and sort of hung around outside Staples, while Brian made his way over to LA Live (the plaza across the street). Right then, Sarah told me she was in the same plaza. SARAH, BRIAN IS IN FRONT OF ESPN ZONE. GO SAY HI! GET YOUR PICTURE! But of course Sarah's too shy, so I marched over with my mom and Sarah got her picture with Brian!
Pairs long was phenomenal. The Germans own :]
Thursday - Men's long
Boy, was I nervewrecked. I could NOT wait until men's long... original dance was first. Ben & Tanith were amazing - I thought they deserved first. Anyway, that evening was the event that I was waiting for. I was proud of Jeremy and Brandon, though I felt they both could have skated better. Of the course the tension was incredibly intense for that last group. For once, I thought Evan completely deserved the gold that he got, and I'm soooooo happy that Patrick got the silver.
Afterwards, we ran into our friend Claire. It was pretty late and we just walked with her and her daughter out of Staples. We walked a bit, then I saw a small crowd and some camera flashes. Oh, there must be some skater there, I said. Um, IT WAS JEREMY. I flipped out. I wanted a chance to redeem myself and take the crazy pictures I wanted! And I totally did :]
In the kiss and cry, Jeremy always does these little hand signals... so I asked him if we could take pictures that way. They came out really cute and I was so excited! I also finally got a hug :]
Friday - Ladies short
Sarah and I had been waiting for Friday because we knew that most of the skaters would be wandering around and we had a great chance of meeting some of them.
We had to leave my house at like, 7:45, wayyy early for me... I had gotten home at midnight the night before. We were WAY excited and still kind of delirious. We got there and frankly, we got super bored with some of the ladies lol. After a few groups, I suggested that we go to the Grammy Museum, grab a snack, then go to the mens' public medal ceremony. This plan definitely paid off!
The Grammy Museum was bleh, but the medal ceremony was awesome. Sarah had never been that close to Evan, so she was pretty much shaking with excitement. I really REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to meet Patrick Chan, since we'd run into Brian several times and I used to train with Evan.
Finally we got up to the front of the crowd, and there was Patrick! I asked him to sign something, then asked for a picture. Sure! he said. SCORE, JOLENE. Just let me sign a few more things. *signs a few more things* I haven't forgotten your picture! Meanwhile, I'm just really excited he's in front of me. A few seconds later, a man from NBC walked up to Patrick and asked if he could 'steal him for 10 seconds.' Um, actually I need to take a picture with her first *points to me* AMAZING. He was the sweetest, and I can't believe he blew off NBC just to take a picture with me!
We then went back inside for the "big guns," as Sarah calls them, and had a blast. We ran into Brian Joubert like 4 more times within the following half hour, and met Nobunari Oda! It was just overall fun. I'm glad I got to know Sarah better - I've only known her for a couple months because we work at Starbucks together. We're the same when it comes to beautiful skater boys ;D
Next funny story...
We went to dinner in between the ladies short and the free dance. Lucky Strike! Then we walked back and I saw another small crowd around where the medal ceremonies take place, and also where a lot of interviews take place. Oh, I bet it's Jeremy, I said. We both cracked up. Our inside joke the whole week was me asking "WHERE'S JEREMY?" Well, it WAS Jeremy! I flipped. Then we realized there was someone else there... JOHNNY WEIR. Double whammy. We got pictures with them, and of course I went all gaga over Jeremy. Oh, and Johnny said my hair was cool :]
We waited around afterwards and got to meet Ben Agosto, as well as the other medaling dance teams<3
We went home SO SO SO happy and excited. We got to meet some of our favorite people and see some fierce ladies competition.
Saturday - Ladies long
I was sad that this was the last event. To be completely honest, I thought it was a bit anti-climatic, since I was living for the men's freeskate. Yes, the last group was amazing, but it just wasn't the same to me. I did however get to talk to Frank and Evan at a signing they did during the intermission... since Sarah wanted to meet him so badly, I took a picture of him holding a sign that said "Sarah Benjamin is amazing!" It came out really cute :]
I also got to hug Ben during the public medal ceremony, and finally got my picture with Tanith!
Afterwards, we hung around with my friend Gen, who I hadn't seen in forever, to see if we could meet the top ladies. Long story short, it was NUTS and we were unsuccessful. We did see Brian Joubert again, which was kind of hilarious haha
Sunday - Exhibitions
I was excited about seeing the exhibition programs, since they're usually more of a reflection of the skaters' personalities. Brandon Mroz blew me away with his program, mostly because it had so much personality... I just didn't expect it! The other program that stood out to me was Brian Joubert's. He skated to "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright, and it was BEAUTIFUL.
Afterwards, the skaters were throwing stuff into the audience... I was lucky and got something signed by Evan :]
Anyway, got to meet Samuel Contesti, Patrick and Brian again. Brian gives fabulous hugs btw... it was amazing. He's such a sweetie!
But in all honesty, the highlight of my day was meeting Mitchel Musso. We went to the public medal ceremony for the ladies before the exhibitions. I saw Alissa Czisny, but I had met her the night before so I didn't bother her. I noticed there was some guy talking to Alissa (he wasn't facing us) and the photographers kept taking pictures of him. When he turned around... I SAW IT WAS MITCHEL MUSSO. For those of you who don't know, Mitchel plays Miley's best friend Oliver on Hannah Montana. He was SO sweet and apparently kind of interested. hahahaha :]
But yeah.
That might be it.
It was overall an AMAZING week and I'm glad I went. I'm so incredibly thankful that my mom got the tickets and let me have such a magnificent spring break!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spring break; Part 1
Let's start from the top.
Last year my mom got all event passes for the figure skating world championships at the Staples Center. This is a competition involving the best skaters in the entire world. Each of them had to qualify in their country (i.e. In the U.S., the top 3 from the national championships get to compete at worlds). We have all event passes, meaning we have tickets for all of the events - men's, ladies, pairs, and dance, including practices for all of those.
The practice sessions started yesterday at Staples, and it was ridiculously fun. I brought Sarah with me, one of my co-workers, because I knew she was a skating fan. We got there at around noon, then left at midnight. We watched the practices for men's, ladies, and pairs. AMAZING. We had a blast, to say the least.
And not only because I'm in love with Jeremy Abbott :]
Today my mom's friend Deidre and I went to another men's practice session. JEREMY AGAIN. It was funnnnnn! We then met up with my mom for lunch, when she told us the good news.
My dad said a word today.
This is FANTASTIC news. For those of you who don't know, my dad is currently in a vegetative state because of some complications of a heart attack. He has been this way since December, and we're waiting for him to have some kind of cognizant response, AKA "wake up." He's improved a lot, but the doctors can say he's woken up when he can communicate with us.
He's off the respirator, which is probably why he's starting to talk. I can't even tell you how amazing this feels. Now we have some kind of proof that he's in there, that his mind hasn't shut down, that he might really be able to come out of this.
After lunch, my mom dropped me off at home so I could nap (which I'm not doing). I came home to find a lovely package from Caitlin... it was the sweetest thing ever.
I'm the type of person that is associated with things. I have no problem with it... it just means my taste is pretty distinct. Anyway, people always tell me, "omg, I was shopping today and I totally saw this outfit/thing/painting/whatever that reminded me of you!"
Apparently this happened to Caitlin. She got me a gorgeous black and white travel mug (which I will be using for coffee next quarter), along with some hot chocolate. She printed out a collage of pictures of us and our adventures and wrote an amazing letter.
I love getting letters.
Anyway, this break has been absolutely fantastic already.
I got to see Jeremy Abbott (and a BUNCH of phenomenal skaters) in person, got an amazing pick-me-up letter, and my dad has made leaps and bounds in his progress.
I can't wait to see how the rest of the week unravels :]
Song of the day: Unwritten - Natash Bedingfield
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ramble ramble ramble
Anyway, we always have really in-depth conversations about life, work, and mostly past relationships and boy problems. This time, I got thinking that there's SO much that I just wish I could say to a bunch of people - friends, family, people...
I just posted a rather interesting fb note that I'm not sure I want to keep up. It's like one of those "write 10 things to 10 different people and tag them" kinds of things.
I don't know why I did it.
I guess it's like keeping a journal, which I don't anymore. I'm paranoid, since my mom read my old one. It was devastating.
Again, it's like PostSecret. There's something cathartic about telling people things, whether they know what you're talking about or not. Instead of going to a shrink, I'll post fb notes.
That's just the way I deal.
Don't judge.
Maybe this is enough rambling for one evening?
I don't know.
Song of the day: Eden - Sarah Brightman
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday & Tuesday
Monday I had my one and only final this week, so of course it was a definite relief to get that over with. Afterwards, Rosanne came to visit me! I hadn't seen her in forever, so it was absolutely divine to spend the rest of the day with her. We've been best friends since pre-school, and no matter how long we haven't seen each other, the minute we start talking, it's as if we've been inseparable this whole time.
We went to Laguna because the weather was beautiful (minus the wind for Rosanne haha), stopped by a cool bakery, got Starbucks, then parked on a rock on the beach. It was so relaxing, especially for me... just eating and talking. After that, we went to Sticki Picki, had a blast, then got sushi and watched Across the Universe. It was like we did all of my favorite things in one day :]
Tuesday was an adventure in itself. My day started at 5:30, then we were off to the dress rehearsal taping of Idol at 7. Even though there were some "technical difficulties" with our place in line, we lucked out and got put in the pit, stage right, RIGHT in front of the stage between the big stage and the judges. I nearly died with Adam sang.
Then of course Caitlin had to yell something at Danny... it happened to be DANNY, HAVE MY BABIES! Priceless.
We weren't sure if we could get into the live taping, but, of course, we got lucky again! This time we were in the same place, but on stage left. It was kind of cool to shake Simon's hand... I guess a lot of people would die to do so. The show was great and Adam and Danny were fantastic yet again<3
Unfortunately we left extremely exhausted and I had work this morning at 2AM. Yes, 2AM. The shift itself wasn't so bad but yeah. I won't go into detail :D
I have another 2AM shift tonight/tomorrow morning, but I'll live.
Anyway, I guess that's all. Just wanted to update ya'll :]
Also, expect an entire blog devoted to Demi either day or tomorrow<333
Song of the day: Don't Forget - Demi Lovato
Monday, March 16, 2009
Time to reflect.
This quarter was one of the hardest I've ever experienced, mentally and emotionally. Academically it was the easiest, but I probably didn't even do that well because of everything else. Four art classes? I wish I would've had more fun.
My dad has thankfully made some progress. He's still in a vegetative state; please refer to my fb note for further explanation.
No concerts, hair change, got used to working and going to class, HATED art history, embarassed myself in front of the boy I have a crush on. What's new? Welll, the whole no concerts thing is a new concept for me... but besides that, it was just blah.
I'm hoping for bigger and better things next quarter. At least I have Coachella and Keane to look forward to :]
As for right now, well, I can look forward to tomorrow at least lol. Idol dress rehearsal!
I think I'll update after the show tomorrow.
Song of the day: Grand Theft Autumn (Where is Your Boy Tonight?) - Fall Out Boy
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Secret exhibitionist.
[edit: Kayla pointed out a good point about herself that made me think about myself. I LOVE reading those 25 random things about people. Maybe I'm hoping other people love to read them too and will be slightly amused by mine.]
2. I have a problem, even though I think I'm in control of it.
3. I hate painting. I love ink. The end.
4. I love shows like 'Make Me a Supermodel' because I like to live vicariously through people. I know I could never ever do anything like they do.
5. Kayla, we're kindred spirits. We suffer the same ways. I love our conversations. They always mean something.
6. I love my hair. It's what I've been wanting for a long time :[
7. I think I always crave the impossible. Whether it's tattoos, boys, or hair styles. It pretty much never happens.
8. I admire Lady GaGa like you don't even know.
9. I really should pick up my guitar again. It's lonely at home.
10. "I don't do drugs. I am drugs." - Dali
11. If I had my way, everything I wear would be black, white, or gray.
12. Corinne, I wish I had your personality. You're so outgoing and adorable.
13. I hate how a lot of people think my life is in any way glamorous. It's not.
14. I'm addicted to Bravo shows.
15. I'm starting a new sketchbook within the next few days. Excitingggg<3
16. I'm glad I had time to psychoanalyze myself with Sarah today. I've admitted many things to myself this week.
17. Sometimes I wish I was IN more pictures. I know, I already have 1000+ on fb. But like, I look back on events & I have amazing pictures of everyone else. Sometimes I wish I could remember myself at that time. Ha, I'm so narcissistic sometimes.
18. I used to carry around Jason Castro's guitar pick in my wallet. It's currently sitting on my desk. 19. I'm STOKED about Coachella. STOKED.
20. I hate being complimented or flattered. I think it's completely blown out of proportion with me. I really can't see anything that great about myself.
21. I always always always feel socially awkward in social situations.
22. I honestly feel weird when I smile. How strange.
23. As I was telling Alex earlier, I have no idea why many of my friends have this really rebellious perception of me. I'm not really that 'out there.'
24. I love Keane lyrics so much, it's ridiculous.
25. Maybe I should stop this & get to bed :]
Song of the day: Let it Rain - Living Things
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Black & White
Love it.
Anyway, I started writing that short story I've been talking about. Yeah, the one about that woman that sat next to me on the plane to Raleigh :]
I'm going to Disneyland today with my dearest Stefani too<3
I'm generally happy, for me, anyway.
I'm not looking forward to next week though... working during finals week is always a drag. I'm working Wednesday - Friday; the first 2 shifts start at 2AM, the Friday one starts at 5. Early mornings, here I come!
Oh, and Skatefest on Saturday!
xoxo Song of the day: Let it Rain - Living Things
& here it is for your viewing pleasure. I LOVE THIS SONG.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Shut up and let me go.
Lately, I've been spending too much time feeling sorry for myself. I realized this after re-reading the note I just posted on fb.
Is it spring break yet?
I want to go to Worlds.
Is it April yet?
I want to go to Coachella.
Is it May yet?
I absolutely cannot WAIT to see Keane. It's been too long<3
Song of the day: Heartless - Kanye West
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The history of my hair :]
I'm sure some of you are like WHY DID YOU CUT IT?
The answer is simple.
Since my freshman year of high school, I've changed my hair way more often than the average person. I seriously love changing it and this has probably been the longest I've gone without doing something drastic.
Let's go through some of my hair history.
Freshman year of high school: I chopped off my shoulder length hair to super short and got highlights for the first time. That's when the blonde addiction began.
Sophomore year of high school: The beginning of my 'emo' phase. If you know me, I'm being completely serious and I'm definitely ashamed of that part of my life for various reasons. ANYWAY, I dyed my hair burgundy.
Junior year of high school: Went back to my "natural" color and had really blah hair. It was horrible. It was still really short then.
Senior year of high school: I grew my hair out specifically for prom. What a waste. Anyway, after prom I cut it short again and put my first blonde streak in it :]
If you don't know the story, before college, my mom put two blonde streaks in her hair. I have a really close relationship with my mom so I sort of dyed my blonde as an homage to her.
Freshman year of college: I dyed my hair black. I was tired of all the colors in it and just wanted to make it consistent! Toward the end of the academic year, I cut it boy short.
Sophomore year of college: Definitely a strange time for my hair. It was kind of short, kind of not. My bangs were terrible, I didn't like it. At the end of the year, however, I decided to get it cut in lovely layers and wanted to grow it out. By this time, the blonde was back in.
Now: I've gone this past year with long-ish hair and have moved the blonde around a LOT. It started out as a streak, then went to the other side, then was on both sides, now it's in my bangs.
I just really started to miss having short hair... so now it's gone.
So there.
What a shallow blog :]
Song of the day: I am not my Hair - India Arie
Friday, March 6, 2009
Late night/early morning ramblings
2. I hate weekends. They just remind me of my situation at home and frankly, I just get really down. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing my dad, but at the same time it's really hard to see him like that, not knowing if he'll be that way for the rest of his life.
3. Across the Universe is still my comfort movie. Even if I cry through the whole thing, it just makes me feel better. It's beautiful and the music is phenomenal.
4. I absolutely cannot wait until Coachella. I'M SO EXCITED.
5. New York, I Love You is the most beautiful movie I've seen since Across the Universe. It comforted me in some strange way.
6. Listening to Phillip complain about his body today made me realize that I really should stop whining about mine. Just because I personally don't like it doesn't mean it's hopeless. Plus, it could be worse.
7. I have a photobooth/Sticki Picki addiction. There is no cure.
8. I love re-discovering old music. Today Negien and I listened to The Cliks, Young Love, and Cobra Starship. It was fantastic. I'd forgotten what a classic Hollaback Boy is :]
9. Certain events that occurred today made me realize how horribly self conscious and pessimistic I am. I need some confidence and optimism. Ha, who am I kidding? I've said that since high school. It ain't happening.
10. I hate talking about Shiny Toy Guns now because I can't stand any of the new stuff, including the new girl.
11. I want blue hair. Or something.
12. I haven't seen a good horror movie in a while. I need to see one soon.
13. I have no idea why I'm blogging like this. I think I just need somewhere to put these thoughts because I keep them in my head all day and they drive me nuts most of the time.
14. I want to get out of California really badly... I left my heart on the east coast the first time I stepped foot in Boston.
15. I'm so effing tired of this art crap. I still love it, but my classes are driving me INSANE. It's so much less fun now that I'm obligated to do it... I'm so disappointed in myself for being so anti-inspired by everything. blah.
16. I'll miss Raleigh this summer :[
17. I will always hate my birthday. ALWAYS. It's probably one of the most miserable times for me every year. Christmas will be miserable too, from now on.
18. Kayla, you are an amazing person. I have no idea what I'd be doing without those texts/phone calls :] COME TO CALI NOW<3
19. I want a new last name. A new heritage. A new family. kthx.
20. When I turned 20, I had a midlife crisis. I feel like I'm going nowhere.
Yeah ok. I'm sleepy. Perhaps I should get to bed? I have to be up in 6 hours =_=
Song of the day: Smile for the Paparazzi - Cobra Starship
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Across the universe
I suppose things went well today. I didn't die, so I guess the funeral's off (I guess you don't have to fly out here, Kayla).
I don't really want to say anything else, other than I feel really crappy right now. Honestly, it's totally irrational, I know. I guess I'm just moody and unhappy and stressed and frustrated with life in general. I'm sure I'll be over this soon.
On a lighter note, Worlds and Coachella are that much closer :]
Song of the day: That's Not my Name - the Ting Tings
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I've been doing well over the past half hour, diligently taking notes... but honestly I'm not interested in learning about female nudes, hearing about Renaissance porn or discussing female masturbation.
I hate sitting here feeling so uninterested in the subject matter, but being obligated to learn this because of my major.
I have decided to stray in concentration and blog :]
Updates? None, really. I am feeling better though. Everyone tried to console me yesterday but the one person that really made me feel better (whether he knows it or not) was Max. He didn't tell me it was a good idea or a bad idea. He just told me that I had guts. I guess that's all I needed to hear. He commended me for being "courageous," as Alex put it the other day.
I put myself out there in an interesting way, I'd like to think. If he can't appreciate that... then it's not worth the stress.
I know, I sound rational, right? AMAZING.
Anyway, saw the JB movie again yesterday with Christine, enjoyed watching Idol last night, got enough sleep for once. That's about as exciting as yesterday got (after class, anyway).
I think tomorrow I'll have a LOT to say - I'll be delirious from closing tonight (working until 1AM) then working 8 hours later, I have my 1B class (where I have to see what the consequences are for my actions on Tuesday) then I'm going to see a movie with Negien & whoever else we bring haha. So if you're expecting something interesting, I suggest waiting until tomorrow<3
Song of the day: My life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Last night, I knew what to say
These lines, so well rehearsed -
Tongue-tied & overloaded...
You never notice.
Oh but apparently you will because I wrote them to you.
Wow, Jolene. You've really out-done yourself this time.
Song of the day: None. I've lost my mind.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Weekend warriors & our best friends
Thursday: Midnight showing of the JB movie. It was incredibly cute and I encourage you to see it if you like the Jonas Brothers :]
Friday: I worked an incredibly long 6 hour shift. I was grateful for the hours, but I've never made that many frappuccinos in my entire life.
Saturday: I went to visit California Gold at practice. It was my first visit since last season and it was wonderful seeing everyone again. The team even put together a little art basket for me because they heard I was having a hard time. I wish them the best of luck at Nationals and can't wait to see them at Skatefest!!!
Speaking of Skatefest, if you're local to Lakewood, CA, I urge you to support the California Gold teams by going to Skatefest. It's part dinner, part performance, part public skating session, part silent auction. It's a really great time and the money goes toward a fantastic cause. Email me if you have questions or want to donate!
Sunday: We spent the day at LACMA. What a great museum. Give me Warhol, Litchtenstein, and a great collection of German expressionists and I'll be great. Afterwards, Negien and I went for some sushi, Pinkberry, and a movie. I dragged Negien to see Fired Up, and while she suffered through it, I practically laughed my face off. Bad acting? Totally. Cute boy? Definitely. Good movie? Not so much. Funny? Absolutely.
I suppose that's all... Wish me luck tomorrow ;D
Song of the day: Trainwreck - Demi Lovato
Friday, February 27, 2009
Truth be told, I'm lying.
I've been quite busy this week.
I did, however, go to the midnight showing of the Jonas Brothers 3D movie Thursday night. Long story short, I've never screamed, laughed, cried, danced, or clapped so much all in one movie<3
It was a generally good week, despite a certain letter never being delivered.
This was a lame blog.
Perhaps I'll be more interesting tomorrow :]
Song of the day: About a Girl - The Academy Is
[yes. I'm repeating it. It's too perfect for my life right now]
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
'Cause now I only see my dreams
Feel the cold hands on everything that I love -
Cold like some magnificent skyline
out of my reach, but always in my eyeline.
Keane lyrics make my life.
Song of the day: Spiralling - Keane
Monday, February 23, 2009
Did you want to be an icon!?
I'm seeing my favorite band live. Not the Jonas Brothers. Not My Chemical Romance. Unfortunately, not the Beatles.
These guys have been my favorite band since high school and I've been a fan for 5 solid years. I absolutely adore their music and love seeing them live. I honestly never miss them in LA. Ever.
They're British, so I try to take advantage of every North American tour they do.
For those of you who haven't seen them live, you probably imagine some kind of boring, calm, quiet concert. You're so wrong.
I remember my first Keane concert back in '05 (I think it was 05...). It was at the Greek Theater and I had what I thought were front row seats. However, we were in the pit. Thus, my addiction to seeing Keane began. They totally rock out. Yes, I said rock out. It's always an intense performance that leaves me jumping around and wanting more Keane.
I'm very excited to be bringing Caitlin with me (if everything works out), since she's never seen them live.
So long story short, I'm so excited that I don't even really know what to say.
Though I'm a little worried about the new stuff, I can't wait for another fantastic concert that I'm sure will bring me to tears (as usual).
If you've never listened to Keane, I suggest you watch this video, which is also the song of the day :]
Saturday, February 21, 2009
This is not my heart.
I am, however, still in love with Mr. Beckett. Watch the video below, if only for the glorious moment that is between 1:57 & 1:58<3333
Anyway, I have my Coachella hotel reservations! This makes the whole trip that much closer :D On another note, I have written my "note." Some of you know the one I'm talking about... but yeah. I'm not going to explain it. I just have to write the final copy & then hand it over. Wish me luck!
Song of the day: About a Girl - The Academy Is
Friday, February 20, 2009
1. I just found out Keane is going to be in LA on May 9. I'm buying presale tickets on Monday no matter what. They're my favorite band, contrary to what everyone thinks, and I've never missed them in LA. Plus it's been over a year since I've seen them! Can't wait to hear their new stuff live :D
2. I'm hoping to write some letters soon, probably during finals week if/when I have time.
3. Speaking of letters, I have a special one to write.
4. Remember how I said I should send things to Post Secret? Well my third project has now evolved into a Post Secret of my own. Pictures to come later.
5. I absolutely can't wait to see if Alex Trugman gets into the top 12. LOVE HIM<3
6. I'm super excited about Worlds & Coachella :D
7. I entered over 1000 times for those JB movie premiere passes.
8. I watched "He's Just Not That Into You" for the second time yesterday. I loved one of the songs in the movie & was wondering what it was... I'm watching VH1 Jumpstart & the song comes on. I realized I already have it - it was an iTunes free download last week :]
9. Finals week is going to be hell at work. I have one final, but we're all expected to work at least one overnight shift since Starbucks is open 24/7. I'm hoping it's not a repeat of last quarter's finals week... I was completely nocturnal.
10. I'm going to Disneyland with Caitlin today! I'm really looking forward to it<3
So that's pretty much what's going on. However, #3 has been occupying about 2/3 of my brain. It's imperative that this particular letter gets to the person, though that may be a bad idea. Yeah ok I'm going to stop vaguely ranting :]
Song of the day: Love Save the Empty - Erin McCarley
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
However, I just can't take your advice this time.
I can't sit this one out :]
Song of the day: Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Sappy Rant.
I really think I should just spill my guts to Post Secret.
There's so much I want/need to say to someone, but in reality I'm way too embarassed to share those things with people I know... even my closest friends.
Sure, I tell my close friends a lot, but there are things I just can't say because they make me feel incredibly stupid.
Like about the boy that prompted my emo post a little while ago. I don't even know him, but he's occupying my thoughts and making me feel like an idiot without having to say or do anything. Someone please explain to me why this person I don't even know is driving me up the wall :[
Maybe I should just come clean about the whole thing on the last day of class or something. "Hey, I seem to have some kind of interest in you, even though I don't know you. You fascinate me. When you smile, my heart beats a little bit faster. You have great style. I love every project you've done in class because I know I could never come up with anything like that. I love your hair. You hardly ever talk, but when you do,..."
& this is where I stop.
Someone give me advice... and don't tell me to talk to him. It's impossible for me to do.
Anyway, I look forward to Idol tonight and not having to work tomorrow!
Song of the day: Gold Lion - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I have a cold!
Pray for me, kids.
Anyway, I have also decided I am going to wear my new zebra pants on Tuesday :]
Me: Hey mom, I got these really crazy pants.
Mom: Crazy like... pink?
Me: No. Crazy like, patterned.
Mom: WELL THEN. Anyway, so blah blah blah...
Me: *5 minutes later* Aren't you going to ask me what pattern they are?
Mom: No. I don't want to know.
Song of the day: Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I make plans to break plans
This time I have big plans, but I'm going through with them. Prepare yourselves for a wonderful project I'm starting within the coming months - if you've ever wanted a piece of artwork from me, you'll love it.
Anyway, I feel like I'm obligated to blog about Valentine's Day.
I have no idea.
Single people make such a big deal about this "holiday." It's pretty pathetic and ridiculous. Why does it matter? If you haven't found someone, you haven't found someone. Be your own person. Don't rely on someone else to erase your insecurities. Be strong and independent.
As much as I'd like to have that special guy, I'm completely fine without him. Life's too short to worry about dating all the time. Yes, I got all emo on my last post about this guy that barely knows I exist, but in all seriousness I'm not DYING. I hope you didn't get the wrong impression.
That's all I have to say.
Sorry it wasn't particularly interesting lol :]
Song of the day: Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Can we trade?

Song of the day: Angels on the Moon - Thriving Ivory
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me
Well said, Fall Out Boy, well said.
That pretty much sums up how I feel right now.
There have been WAY too many irritations to count, lately.
I'm tired of hearing these dumb Republicans on TV. I feel like they're just too bitter that Democratic candidate won, so they're automatically opposed to any ideas he might have. I'm not an Obama enthusiast, but I applaud his effort.
Actually, I'm just tired of politics. Why have political parties? Shouldn't we all just try to better America? I realize that the different parties are formed based on differences in fundamental opinions, but we're all people, aren't we? Why can't we look past our differences to try to find a solution that will suit everyone? Easier said than done, I know, but still. You know what I mean.
I'm tired of wasting time in my classes! I make this effort to go to class, but I feel like I'm not learning anything. I feel like half of my classes are stupid, while the others are informative. Conflict, much?
I'm tired of certain people. Seriously, stop latching onto my style and get your own.
On a happier note, work is going well. It's still a lot of work, but I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with everything and I've gotten to know my co-workers better :]
I also saw Coraline today... it wasn't bad, but it was no Tim Burton. The animation was phenomenal, so I'd recommend it if you're into stop-motion stuff. Besides that, I was unimpressed with the way the story panned out.
That's all until tomorrow
Song of the day: I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Anyway, I believe this year's Grammy's have had their ups and downs. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus? Definitely a down. Jonas Brothers and Stevie Wonder? Up. Jay-Z and Coldplay? Decent. Adele and Sugarland? Up. Paul McCartney? UP.
I enjoyed watching the awards show regardless - it was entertaining. I'm happy for Coldplay because I think Viva la Vida was a great album (ironically enough, I haven't heard the whole thing). Chris Martin was totally adorable when he accepted their last Grammy too :]
I am very sad to hear about Chris Brown and Rihanna as well. I know it's not confirmed that Rihanna was the victim, but I believe she was. Don't know what I'm talking about? Read about it. I had a lot of respect for Chris as an artist, but that respect has diminished just a bit.
Well, I'm off.
Just wanted to blog briefly<3
Song of the day: Live to Party - Jonas Brothers
[edit] I TOTALLY forgot to mention Jennifer Hudson's performance! Definitely the highest up there was! She reduced me to tears, it was that beautiful!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Tarina Tarantino: A Vision in Black

I met Tarino Tarantino today. It was fantastic.
Though I mentioned her in an earlier post, I'm sure most of you have no idea who she is. Let me inform you.
Tarina Tarantino is a jewelry designer and, in my eyes, a style icon. She is known for her bright pink hair and equally bright and quirky jewelry collections. Though she caters to more "scene" taste, I think she's just beginning to break through to the mainstream. Examples of her customers are Jeffree Star, Miley Cyrus, and Audrey Kitching.
I learned about her back in 2006 through Jeffree Star, and I've been quite a fan ever since.
Anyway, Tarina had her signing today and it was just lovely. Even though it was almost pouring rain, I had a great time and don't think it could have gone much better.
12:00 PM - we arrived at Downtown Disney. I had a friend of my mom's come with me just so I wouldn't be by myself. We headed over to Vault 28 so I could buy something in order to get into the signing. I also had many questions about how it was going to happen. I then spoke with a castmember, who said that when one purchased any Tarina Tarantino item in the store, one would receive a voucher for the signing with a number. I was immediately relieved - I wouldn't have to worry about trying to stake out a spot!
I proceeded to purchase the necklace that I saw at the Melrose boutique - it's long, silver chained, has a large rhinestoned key at the end that says "TARINA TARANTINO", plus a couple little pleasant surprises on the chain. I love it!
12:30 PM - lunch at the Rainforest Cafe
2:30 PM - We began to line up in front of Vault 28. The signing wasn't supposed to start until 3, but of course everyone wanted to make sure there were no complications. I was very excited to see so many people sporting their Tarina Tarantino bling. By this point, I was wearing 3 of her pieces.
Unfortunately, the sunshine had vanished and it started to get cloudy.
3:00 PM - The excitement began! They started letting people into the signing! To our dismay, however, it began to rain. At first it was just drizzling... but then it really started to rain. I had come prepared, thankfully, equipped with my umbrella, leather high-heeled boots, and a trendy raincoat.
We finally made it inside probably about 30 minutes later. I could see her pink hair! The excitement was coursing through my body. I knew what I was going to say and I was terribly excited about it :]
I got up to where she was and put my bags down on the floor. This is pretty much how it all went:
Jolene: Hi!
Tarina: Hi! It's great to meet you!
Jolene: *takes out canvas bag and postcard* Would you please sign these for me?
Tarina: Absolutely!
Jolene: I just wanted to tell you how much you inspire me. You're aesthetic is incredibly unique and amazing, and as an aspiring artist, I am completely amazed.
Tarina: Thank you so much. That's the best compliment I could have received! What's your name? Would you like these personalized?
Jolene: Sure! It's Jolene. J-O-L-E-N-E
Tarina: You know.... Jolene... There IS a song...
Jolene: I know! People always say that!
Tarina: Well it's a great song, darling. Dolly is just amazing. I mean, anyone who has their own theme park must be special.

Jolene: Yeah, it's a great song... but I think I like the cover by the White Stripes better.
Tarina: That's great too!
Jolene: Could I get a picture with you please?
Tarina: Sure! *poses*
Jolene: Thank you so much! Can I have a hug?
Tarina: Absolutely! You're so cute! Good luck with everything!
And that was it.
I was SO happy that it went so well - she was a total sweetheart and so beautiful in person. Not to mention she has great taste in clothes... we were practically wearing the same thing lol! She will continue to inspire me and hopefully next time I'll bring the drawing that I did of her :]
And the song of the day is Impossible by the Shout Out Louds
Friday, February 6, 2009
What I go to school for
I'm really grateful it's Friday, but bummed I had to change my plans and am NOT seeing Coraline today! I'm just way too busy to go out tonight.
On a lighter note, I'm going to that Tarina Tarantino signing tomorrow! I hope it's not too crowded and that I'm getting there early enough. She's such a style icon and inspiration... I'd love to meet her<3 Anyway, I think that's all.
Song for the day: What I Go To School For - Jonas Brothers
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Brighter than sunshine
With everything going on with my dad, my relationship with his side of the family has become strained. I just got off the phone with my cousin Sam. As most of you may know, she has been my best friend since we were babies. We grew up together.
Anyway, long story short, there has been a lot of drama within our family and it was a relief to finally talk it out with her. We've resolved our problems (that weren't really problems) and now we can get back to our normal conversations... boys, school, boys :]
Anyway, I must go back to Grey's, then onto finishing my art history paper.
I guess the moral of the story is: talk things out<3
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Do you feel?
Watch it here:]
The weight of the world singing sorrow?
Or to you is it just not real?
Cause you got your things
Yeah we all have our things I guess
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Gnocchi & paninis
I'm a little bummed right now about tomorrow. Team Jonas sent out an email a few days ago about a private LA screening of the Burnin' Up movie. All you had to do was send in an email with your information and winners were chosen at random. Unfortunately, I wasn't chosen.
Normally I wouldn't be upset because frankly, it's random and I'm sure loads of people sent emails. However, I had to go through the trouble of switching my shifts and now I'm working at 6AM tomorrow morning. Hooray.
But anyway, I'm totally looking forward to Coraline coming out on Friday! For those of you who may not know, Coraline is a new animated movie coming out "by the director of the Nightmare Before Christmas." Unlike many may assume, this film is NOT by Tim Burton. He wrote and produced Nightmare, he didn't direct it. I know, misleading, right? Anyway, here's the trailer if you haven't seen it already!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Great minds think alike.
I had art history from 10-10:50, digital imaging from 12-1:20, studio art from 2-3:20, then I had work from 4-7. I just finished a couple of reading responses, so I'm BEAT.
I don't think I have anything particularly profound to say today... other than a bit of ranting about originality.
A couple weeks ago in my studio art 1B class, we had a discussion about originality. What defines originality? Who's to say what's original? I thought it was interesting at the time, but sort of dismissed it. As of last Friday, I feel like I'm in a sort of originality-situtuation. ha.
Last quarter in my 1A journal, I turned Barack Obama into Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe silkscreened painting. It was before the election and I was just expressing my feeling of Obama becoming more of a celebrity than anything else. It wasn't meant as an insult - I just found it very similar to the way Marilyn Monroe was considered more of an icon than even an actress.
Well, when Maymay and I went to Melrose last Friday, I walked past a beautifully collaged wall (the picture is on my last post). Someone had the same idea and did the same thing!
So this lead me to think... was my idea REALLY original? I came up with it all on my own, but it seems I am not the only one to have thought this way. I feel like my idea is original because I didn't "steal" it from anyone else, but at the same time I feel like it's not original because someone else came up with it too!
Do great minds really think alike?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Reinvent Love
Hello blogging world :]
There are a lot of new things that have been going on with me. I feel like a completely different person from when I last blogged... there have been so many things in the past months that have shaped me as an individual and made me realize things had to change.
Over winter break, on December 22 to be exact, my dad had a heart attack. Many of you may already know, but there are many that still don't. After watching my dad collapse, thinking he was dead, and watching the paramedics carry him off, the doctors put 2 stents in. Unfortunately, when they tried to re-start his heart, he stayed in cardiac arrest. They had to shock him 16 times to bring him back.
Normally, doctors only shock patients 5 times max, so this was a miracle in itself. During this time, his brian was without oxygen and it suffered severe damage. We're still waiting for him to wake up.
Anyway, this has become a big part of my life. It's really made me realize what's important in life and how grateful I am for the people that have been supportive.
I don't want to dwell on this topic. Onto lighter things :]
I got my Coachella tickets last Friday! I'll be going all 3 days and I'm BEYOND excited about it! If you don't know what Coachella is, it's a 3-day art and music festival in India, CA. Basiclly, it's 3 days of art out in the middle of the desert. You can check out the website here.
I'm also planning to meet Tarina Tarantino at a signing she's doing on Saturday, February 7th... she's unbelievably inspiring to me. I love her aesthetic and find it completely fascinating. Not familiar with her work? Check out her site here.
And on top of all of that, I'm working at the Starbucks on my university campus. It's pretty hectic most of the time, but I still like it :]
I guess that's all... so on that note, be nice to your Starbucks baristas!
I shall update tomorrow :]