Monday, February 23, 2009

Did you want to be an icon!?

I'm SO incredibly excited for May 9! Why?

I'm seeing my favorite band live. Not the Jonas Brothers. Not My Chemical Romance. Unfortunately, not the Beatles.


These guys have been my favorite band since high school and I've been a fan for 5 solid years. I absolutely adore their music and love seeing them live. I honestly never miss them in LA. Ever.

They're British, so I try to take advantage of every North American tour they do.

For those of you who haven't seen them live, you probably imagine some kind of boring, calm, quiet concert. You're so wrong.

I remember my first Keane concert back in '05 (I think it was 05...). It was at the Greek Theater and I had what I thought were front row seats. However, we were in the pit. Thus, my addiction to seeing Keane began. They totally rock out. Yes, I said rock out. It's always an intense performance that leaves me jumping around and wanting more Keane.

I'm very excited to be bringing Caitlin with me (if everything works out), since she's never seen them live.

So long story short, I'm so excited that I don't even really know what to say.

Though I'm a little worried about the new stuff, I can't wait for another fantastic concert that I'm sure will bring me to tears (as usual).

If you've never listened to Keane, I suggest you watch this video, which is also the song of the day :]



Madison said...

somewhere only we know is a great song.
I loved it in "He's just not that into you"

ケイトリン said...

Oh, I can go! I'm so excited!
Really, they don't seem like the type to perform quiet/calm concerts. I can't wait to see it for myself! Yay!