Hello blogging world :]
There are a lot of new things that have been going on with me. I feel like a completely different person from when I last blogged... there have been so many things in the past months that have shaped me as an individual and made me realize things had to change.
Over winter break, on December 22 to be exact, my dad had a heart attack. Many of you may already know, but there are many that still don't. After watching my dad collapse, thinking he was dead, and watching the paramedics carry him off, the doctors put 2 stents in. Unfortunately, when they tried to re-start his heart, he stayed in cardiac arrest. They had to shock him 16 times to bring him back.
Normally, doctors only shock patients 5 times max, so this was a miracle in itself. During this time, his brian was without oxygen and it suffered severe damage. We're still waiting for him to wake up.
Anyway, this has become a big part of my life. It's really made me realize what's important in life and how grateful I am for the people that have been supportive.
I don't want to dwell on this topic. Onto lighter things :]
I got my Coachella tickets last Friday! I'll be going all 3 days and I'm BEYOND excited about it! If you don't know what Coachella is, it's a 3-day art and music festival in India, CA. Basiclly, it's 3 days of art out in the middle of the desert. You can check out the website here.
I'm also planning to meet Tarina Tarantino at a signing she's doing on Saturday, February 7th... she's unbelievably inspiring to me. I love her aesthetic and find it completely fascinating. Not familiar with her work? Check out her site here.
And on top of all of that, I'm working at the Starbucks on my university campus. It's pretty hectic most of the time, but I still like it :]
I guess that's all... so on that note, be nice to your Starbucks baristas!
I shall update tomorrow :]
im so glad this is back! hahaha it looks like you remembered your login. I am way too addicted to blogging and get upset when i don't get new posts so this should be good hahaha
I really hope everything is getting better for you Jolene!!!
And you are soooooo lucky to be getting the chance to meet Tarina Tarantino. I just wish I could buy something from her that I wouldn't have to buy over the internet. =D
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