I experienced the most pleasant moment today in my 9B class, but let's start with the beginning.
I had just gotten out of my digital imaging class and proceeded to wait outside of my 2 o'clock class, studio art 9B, also known as "Visiting Artists." Honestly, I don't like this class. I don't think our professor is passionate about teaching and frankly, his methods bore me to death. The artists that come in are interesting most of the time, but otherwise I don't like going to class.
As I was debating whether or not to torture myself, my friend Andrew sat down at my table outside. We talked about senior exhibitions, work, Mollly Corey's class. Anyway, he talked me into going to class. I sat with him and his friend Michelle, then we were joined by someone I knew.
Her name is Grace. She was in my 1A class last quarter so I'm familiar with her. Her work is very interesting and she is quite talented. However, I've always found her to be quite strange... perhaps because I didn't know her outside of class, or because her comments are usually coming from left left left left field. Anyway, we all moved over one seat to the left so Grace could join us and sit next to Michelle. The seating arrangement, from left to right, was me - Andrew - Michelle - Grace.
Miles Coolidge, an awesome photographer, came into class to talk about his work. I was interested... for about half of it. I had been doodling on my notebook, but still paying attention... until like I said, half way.
Miraculously, Grace must have sensed my extreme boredom. She then wrote "CAN WE TRADE?" on her notebook, passing it over Michelle and Andrew to me. I looked on the page and saw a large doodle. It was a doodle trade!
"Sure!" I mouthed, totally excited. I handed her my Coraline-inspired doodle and accepted hers. Andrew was like, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? so I continued to explain a doodle trade.
Doodle trade (n) - the act in which two people, bored in class, swap notebooks to work on each others' doodles
I used to do that all the time in high school and looked forward to reviving an old practice.
Anyway, that was my pleasant experience. It's amazing how art can bring two people together who normally wouldn't even talk. We both created something beautiful out of our boredom :]
So here, for your viewing pleasure, is the doodle that ended up in my notebook. My doodle is on the left (with some additions from Grace), then hers is on the right<3

Song of the day: Angels on the Moon - Thriving Ivory
Awww this makes me want to become an artist so I can doodle trade with someone! haha
HAHAHA i love madison's comment. your doodles put my doodle to shame.
Wow you guys are both really good! If I could actually draw well, I would totally doodle trade. Oh wait, I'm using it as a verb, hmm...
Well, anyways, your art is awesome!
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