Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Frankly, I've had it with this lecture I'm currently sitting in.

I've been doing well over the past half hour, diligently taking notes... but honestly I'm not interested in learning about female nudes, hearing about Renaissance porn or discussing female masturbation.

I hate sitting here feeling so uninterested in the subject matter, but being obligated to learn this because of my major.


I have decided to stray in concentration and blog :]

Updates? None, really. I am feeling better though. Everyone tried to console me yesterday but the one person that really made me feel better (whether he knows it or not) was Max. He didn't tell me it was a good idea or a bad idea. He just told me that I had guts. I guess that's all I needed to hear. He commended me for being "courageous," as Alex put it the other day.

I put myself out there in an interesting way, I'd like to think. If he can't appreciate that... then it's not worth the stress.

I know, I sound rational, right? AMAZING.

Anyway, saw the JB movie again yesterday with Christine, enjoyed watching Idol last night, got enough sleep for once. That's about as exciting as yesterday got (after class, anyway).

I think tomorrow I'll have a LOT to say - I'll be delirious from closing tonight (working until 1AM) then working 8 hours later, I have my 1B class (where I have to see what the consequences are for my actions on Tuesday) then I'm going to see a movie with Negien & whoever else we bring haha. So if you're expecting something interesting, I suggest waiting until tomorrow<3


Song of the day: My life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson


Christine said...

omg that is the song im listening to RIGHT NOW! hahahah

I see that taking your laptop to class is extremely useful hahaha

ケイトリン said...

Oh my gosh that sounds like a terrible lecture. I don't blame you for going on your computer.
And you seem to have a good perspective on things now, which is good to hear :]

Emily said...

I would be on my laptop too if that's what I had to suffer through!!!

Kayla said...

My life really would suck without you. <3