Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I love my life.

Someone left a rude comment in my truth box on Myspace a while back. I was initially slightly offended that someone would go out of their way to say something mean to an almost complete stranger.

Here's the comment:

Anyway, I was thinking today. After I got my nails done and grabbed a chai, I realized how good I have it. I've never claimed to have 'everything.' Lord knows my grades are DEFINITELY not what I want. But anyway, back to my point.

Driving home today, I realized that I sort of DO have everything... Everything I really want, that is. I have a few close, amazing friends, I'm not hideously deformed, my family lives a comfortable lifestyle, I have fun hobbies, and I have a future. What more could I possibly want?

So thank you, anonymous jealous/bitchy person, for reminding me that I DO think I have everything.

And I'm not ashamed of it.