Friday, July 4, 2008

Big News!

Greetings from the Tarheel state! I’m officially in North Carolina, and things are already a whirlwind. I have a lot of exciting news...


This will be a long entry; I’ll put it in sections so you can read what you’d like :]

Uno: Idols Live! Concert; 7/2/08
Because I was flying out the 3rd, my mom and I decided to drive down to San Diego to see the Idols Live! Season 7 concert. I really loved this season and my favorites were Jason Castro and David Archuleta.

I made an amazing shirt (if I may say so myself) with Jason & David on it, along with some of my infamous artwork. I got my hair done at 12, and we got to the venue at around 3. Caitlin had been texting me, so I knew the Idols had come out already. My mom and I hadn't eaten, so we went to Chili's, which was practically next to the venue. As I was about to take a bite of my food, Caitlin called me and told me Jason Castro (MY FAVORITE) was there again and I should come! Long story short, I ran around the WHOLE venue, only to miss him by a couple minutes =_=

After we ate, we went back over the buses so I could hang out with Caitlin, catch up, & just chill. I got to finish my food and Caitlin looked through my sketchbook. We walked over to sign the Word Nerd banner and then went to the venue door to go in.

My mom told me we had 7th row seats.... but we were right at the end of the catwalk! I was totally stoked and couldn't wait until Jason came on XD

I won't go through a recap of the WHOLE concert... it was overall amazing and I really enjoyed it. Brooke, one of my least favorites, was actually good and smiled at me when I knew the words to one of the songs she sang (Feist ftw). Syesha did the same, and my Jason sign made him laugh (SHAKE IT, JASON). David Archuleta was ADORABLE, and David Cook gets the award for best outfit of the night.

After the concert, I really wanted to meet the idols but the crowd was HUGE. I started to whine, but my mom said we should try anyway. After a while, after a lot of shifting, I ended up second in behind these little girls. Kristy then came out, followed by all of the other idols. I had them sign one of my drawings and got to take a couple pictures. I only wanted a picture with Jason and Michael Johns, so naturally I almost lost my mind when they came around. Jason is SO much more beautiful in person and is a total sweetheart! My pictures both came out kind of weird, but I still got them<3

We got home at like, 2AM, I went to sleep at around 4, then hopped on a plan to Raleigh<3

Dos: Major Change
I won't go into details, but I've been struggling with my bio and chem classes the past two years. I've been stubborn enough to stick out the major and try to do well, but it just hasn't happened. I realized I didn't love it like I thought I did, and I'd rather be happy. I'd always been concerned about having a career in art, but my mom reassured me that I'd have plenty of job opportunities. So... when I get back, I'm going to become an art major! *excited*

Tres: North Carolina
On July 3rd, I left for NC. My flight was at 11, and I had a 2 hour layover in New York. Unfortunately, we were late leaving from New York so I didn't arrive in Raleigh until midnight. It was good to see Margi and Frank again! I stayed with them that night and I'm staying with them tonight. Tomorrow, after we go to this thrift store I want to go to, Margi's going to take me to my friend Carole's house, where I'll stay for 2 weeks. Today we went to Margi's family's house for an AMAZING barbecue and to spend time hanging out. After we got back, we hopped into the pool for like, 5 minutes, only to get out once a thunder storm was starting.

So here I am now, cozy in Magi's living room listening to the thunder and looking forward to the adventures to come!

Stay tuned for more adventures in North Carolina<3


Unknown said...

damn just now i find this blog wow... lol. well i hope you have a good 4th and have fun in NC. We'll have lots to talk about when you come back... like chem... uh... yeah... well have fun.. i'll be checking back :D

Amazing said...

I'm glad you're having a great time. Keep bubbling...

This blog shows what a great artist you really are.

Christine said...

wow. that photo with kristy looks like an amazing stage set up! she looks all ready for fourth of july hahaha!