Time to recap!
Wednesday: Chaos!

There's a portion of the day called 'choices,' where the kids choose what activity they want to do. I normally go to art (Go figure) and never do archery. However, my huddle had the chance to go to archery AND I got to go to art later, so I finally did archery lol. My mom bugged me all summer last year about doing it, so now I've done it!
Thursday: Circus Day

At first I was worried I'd look like a doofus (I know, stupid right? Everyone always goes all out :]) but I really loved everyone's costumes. There were a lot of mimes, lions, tigers, ringmasters, clowns, and one kid in our huddle was a bearded lady. During morning assembly, we were told that there were special stations available that day. I was curious to see what the campers would be doing!
Our first station was playing gladiator. You know, like American gladiators. There were pillow sticks (I know that's the wrong name for them. They're pillow something!) that the kids had to use to knock each other off the bench they were standing on. It was hysterical to see the kids battle each other, then battle counselors! They wanted to make sure everyone got to do it before the kids did it twice, so they made me battle our cilt, Lauren. I guess she thought I'd go easy on her, because she fell off right away. She wanted a rematch, but I was victorious once again :]

The last station was juggling. I was intimidated already and just watched for a little bit while Cameron explained the basics. I didn't want to sit there and do nothing, so I grabbed the scarves they were using and tried to juggle myself. I got the first basic throws, but I didn't know how to fluently juggle. Lauren and I both tried, but we just laughed at each other and ourselves because we looked ridiculous! We were dropping scarves left and right.
THEN something clicked... I started to juggle. I screamed "OMG LAUREN I'M DOING IT!" and she looked over. We started cracking up again because I suddenly was juggling, though quite badly. I had her take a video of me doing it, SO THERE'S EVIDENCE! I'll post it in a later entry :]
After lunch and during choices, it was nice getting to talk to a couple counselors and cilts I hadn't gotten to know yet. Spiro and I got into an ink/water color fight, Alex and I talked about The Beatles, Ryan and I talked about our artwork (he has yet to send it to me!) and Erin gave me some tips on my new major. They all asked me why I wasn't a counselor and I explained. It's really strange for me to be a volunteer and be so old... it's kind of funny watching everyone's reactions though.
On a totally random, non-camp related note, Carole and I tried eating a cactus pear... DON'T BUY THEM.
I think that's it.
I'm still not feeling well - I feel kind of nauseous still, but the headache and dizziness are gone. In a little bit I have to get ready for a "date" LOL. It's totally not what you're thinking... but a select few know the absolute significance of me going out with these two amazing people tonight!
Tomorrow we're taking a trolley tour of Raleigh, so I'm sure I'll have something interesting to say tomorrow!
Until then,
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